Staff wellbeing statement


School details

School name: St Peter’s School

Location: Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire

Phase: Secondary

Number of pupils: 1000

Contact details: Email the school office at

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Impact and outcomes

Our united approach creates:

  • a sense of belonging
  • a culture that is based upon our core wellbeing principles
  • an environment that recognises skills and encourages personal development
  • an environment whereby employees feel they are listened to

Background from Rachel Boyall, HR Manager

The staff wellbeing statement outlined below was developed by our wellbeing focus group. In addition to the statement, the focus group:

  • offers support to staff
  • seeks feedback on how staff are feeling
  • shares resources
  • looks for ways to boost morale
  • uses staff absence to measure wellbeing

Our principles

These principles are the cornerstone of our approach to wellbeing at St Peter’s:

  • because we care
  • because everyone matters
  • together we can make a difference
  • this is worth it
  • we are worth it
  • you are worth it

Staff wellbeing statement

St Peter’s recognises its responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of its employees, and understands that wellbeing and performance are linked. We foster a culture of co-operation, trust and mutual respect, where all individuals are treated with dignity and can work at their optimum level.

We recognise that work-related stress has a negative impact on employees’ wellbeing and that it can take many forms. It needs to be carefully monitored and addressed at an organisational level.

At St Peter’s we:

  • carefully plan and agree work-life balance solutions, including flexible working practices where possible and appropriate
  • ensure that the right people are recruited to the right jobs
  • manage pressures that may affect employees, including the impact of workload
  • anticipate likely problems, taking action to reduce the effects of these pressures where possible
  • pay attention to any changes in employee performance or behaviour and promote sympathetic alertness to employees who show signs of being under stress
  • create opportunities for employees to discuss concerns and enable employees to do so in a supportive environment
  • provide an Employment Assistant Programme (EAP), which offers a free 24-hour counselling service
  • put in place procedures for line managers to address concerns or absence due to work related stress
  • provide Occupational Health support to employees where appropriate
  • carry out a risk assessment where necessary and addressing any concerns raised as soon as possible
  • ensure that when staff are absent, proportionate and supportive contact is maintained with them, at a mutually agreed frequency
  • establish a return-to-work policy that is supportive of employee

We ask employees to:

  • inform the organisation if they believe work or the work environment poses a risk to their health
  • seek support or help when they think they are experiencing a problem at the earliest opportunity to ensure effective strategies can be implemented
  • act in a manner that respects the health and safety needs of themselves and others whilst in the workplace
  • assist in the development of good practice and aim to not, through their actions or omissions, create unnecessary work for themselves or colleagues
  • treat colleagues and all other persons whom they interact with during the course of their work with consideration, respect and dignity
  • treat in confidence any health-related information disclosed by an employee during discussions with managers or the occupational health service
  • take responsibility for managing their own health and wellbeing outside of work

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