Try ideas to improve staff wellbeing
Case study
School details
School name: King Charles I school
Location: Worcestershire
Phase: Secondary
Number of pupils: 1000
Contact details: Email Deputy Headteacher Ruth Allen at
Impact and outcomes
We made these changes to enable every teacher to become highly effective by:
- ensuring every teacher has time to focus on what is important - planning, teaching and feedback
- believing in simplicity, always taking the shortest route and aiming for maximum impact on student learning with minimal workload for staff
- continuously reviewing and evaluating our systems in order to support all staff to achieve a healthy work life balance
Background from Ruth Allen, Deputy Headteacher
At King Charles I school we know that teaching is exhilarating and rewarding. But we also recognise that it can be exhausting. We understand that time is precious and that tired teachers do not make effective teachers. Our aim is for staff to not have to take work home.
21 things we did to improve staff wellbeing
We removed ‘potential cover’ from timetables, except for staff who are under their allocated number of lessons.
We are currently in the process of removing all display boards from classrooms and corridors, as they are pointless and waste time.
We do not waste time on routine admin tasks. Departments such as Reprographics, Finance and Data are all on hand to support teachers.
There is weekly admin support for heads of department.
ParentMail and ParentPay are used to ensure that tutors are not required to collect money or reply slips.
We implemented automated rewards and simple one-click recording of achievement points.
A member of senior leadership team (SLT) is responsible for staff workload and wellbeing.
A half-termly staff forum takes place so that staff can highlight issues and concerns, and we can move the school forward together.
Coffee and tea is provided in both staffrooms at break time.
Food is provided before parents’ evenings and other evening events.
Flu jabs are offered yearly.
Attendance at funerals and graduations is always agreed to.
Paid family leave is offered for carol concerts, Christmas plays etc.
Regular supervision is offered to staff who are dealing with challenging safeguarding issues.
We recognise staff birthdays.
We arrange flowers for new parents and very poorly staff.
We identify pinch points during the year and consider this when creating the yearly calendar.
There is a pre-planned and published calendar so that staff can plan in advance.
Staff break duties are scheduled on days where they are either free before or after break.
There is no expectation for staff to answer out-of-hours emails. Guidance has been issued to support staff to deal with communication via email. The use of mobile phones to pick up emails is discouraged.
There are no prizes for looking busy or staying late. Work in a way that suits you and make sure you make time for yourself and your family.
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