Review and streamline lesson planning


Use this presentation in a staff meeting or INSET day to review and streamline your planning processes.

The presentation includes:

  • background and context about planning
  • a discussion on how planning can best improve the quality of teaching and learning
  • next steps
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Led by the senior leadership team for all staff to assess planning.

Presentation length

The presentation should take 1 hour. You should also allocate time for the facilitator to prepare the session for use in your school.

How to run with your staff

The presentation is designed for senior leadership teams to facilitate with their staff across the whole school, teams or departments about expectations for planning. It allows staff to assess what works within the current system and decide what needs to be discussed further to remove unnecessary burdens and reduce workload.

You can extend the timings to allow for deeper discussion and identification of action. Feedback from each session can be by whole group discussion, flipcharts, points or post-its.

Discussion will be stimulated by actual examples of the various forms of long, medium or short-term planning in your school. Have photocopied examples ready for each group.

Ask staff before the presentation to bring examples of their current schemes of work and lesson plans or have some available to stimulate discussion.

Senior leadership teams are likely to want to oversee the process. They could also consider if it is more appropriate for another member of staff to facilitate the session and lead on follow-up, for example, a head of department. Alternatively, you might wish to consider asking somebody independent to facilitate the presentation to free up time to take part.

Provide a supportive environment for open and honest professional dialogue.

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