Use time effectively and work together when planning your curriculum

Case study

School details

School name: West Meon CofE Primary School

Location: Hampshire

Phase: Primary

Number of pupils: Less than 100

Contact details: Email the school at

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Impact and outcomes

We found ways to use time effectively when planning our curriculum, such as making the most of published and online schemes.

We also saved time on curriculum planning by working together.

Background from Julie Kelly, Headteacher

Being a small school means that we have to strategically plan how to manage all the various roles every school has to undertake.

We have to ensure that all roles and responsibilities are covered whilst creating and maintaining a sustainable workload for each member of staff.

Our ethos is one of collaboration within and across schools, so even if the staff are working on their own, they know they can call on support.

Use time effectively

Invest in technology

We invested in education technology and curriculum resources that support a knowledge-rich curriculum.

We are not persuaded by hard sales techniques and invest only to meet our needs.

Use existing resources

We use existing evidence-informed materials, such as materials from Oak National Academy, the Education Endowment Foundation, White Rose Education and Rising Stars.


When reviewing our curriculum, we do not try to do everything at once.

We review core subjects every year, and foundation subjects every 3 years.

Create a proforma or outline for teachers to refer to

We give teachers a proforma or outline to refer to. It helps teachers:

  • develop their plans
  • engage with colleagues, senior leaders and governors about their plans
  • save time
  • develop confidence

Build in subject leadership time

We set aside time for subject leaders to plan their curriculum.

Our teachers have half a day every week to cover all the subjects they have to review.

Work together

Share resources

We share resources within the school and across schools. We develop schemes of work with others.


We connect with teachers across the country through online platforms.

For example, we joined local and national networks. We also created our own networks by reaching out to form partnerships of practice.

Pair up teachers

We pair up teachers for planning, preparation, and assessment time.

This allows them to collaborate and support each other.

This is especially crucial for early career teachers (ECTs) and school-based teacher training colleagues.

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