Review and streamline data management


Use this presentation in a staff meeting or INSET day to review and streamline your data management processes.

The presentation includes:

  • background and context
  • a discussion to understand better why data is collected and how collections can be streamlined or stopped altogether
  • a further discussion to decide what data is collected and not collected in future
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The presentation has been provided for senior leadership teams to run with the whole school, teams or departments.

It could also be an exercise just for senior leadership, with the results shared and discussed with staff.

Presentation length

The presentation should take 1 hour. You should also allocate time for the facilitator to prepare the session for use in your school.

How to run with your staff

You could complete the exercises individually or in teams, before discussing them together or communicating to the wider school.

Senior leadership teams are likely to want to oversee the process. They could also consider if it is more appropriate for another member of staff to facilitate the session and lead on follow-up, for example, a head of department.

You might also wish to consider asking somebody independent to facilitate the workshop to free up time to take part.

Provide a supportive environment for open and honest professional dialogue.

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