Review and streamline communications


Use this presentation in a staff meeting or INSET day to review and streamline your internal and external communication processes.

The presentation includes:

  • background and context about managing communications
  • a discussion to reflect on why we communicate and whether the processes should be updated, streamlined or stopped altogether
  • a reflection on why we communicate
  • a discussion on whether current communication processes should be updated, streamlined or stopped altogether
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The presentation and facilitator notes will support senior leadership teams to run a staff meeting with the whole school, teams or departments.

Presentation length

The presentation should take 1 hour. You should also allocate time for the facilitator to prepare the session for use in your school.

How to run with your staff

You can run the exercises in a staff meeting or they can be completed individually or by teams ahead of the meeting.

Supporting resources can be printed or shared digitally and they are editable. For example, you could adapt the table to suit the needs of the staff group, by populating the 'how' column or changing the 'who we communicate with' column. If the group is largely teachers, they could complete the table together to consider how, as teachers, they communicate with other staff, each other, parents or governors.

You could address internal and external communications separately or choose one to focus on for this exercise.

Senior leadership teams are likely to want to oversee the process. You could consider if it is more appropriate for another member of staff to facilitate the session and lead on follow-up. You could also consider asking somebody independent to facilitate the workshop to free up time to take part.

Provide a supportive environment for open and honest professional dialogue.

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